How to handle conflict at a distance

By Diana Jones and Cher Williscroft Rumi, the 12th Century Persian poet and Sufi master said: “ Out beyond the ideas of right-doing and wrong‑doing, there is a field. I will meet you there. It’s the world full of things to talk about. ” There is no...

Don’t react with whatever’s on your mind!

Some time soon you’re bound to have someone say something to you that completely floors you, and you don’t have any idea how to respond in the moment. Whatever you do, don’t react by saying whatever’s on your mind! Here’s a technique that anyone can learn. Buy...

Getting your message received as you intended

Recently I’ve been working with a lot of people who have to make presentations to small or large groups.  I noticed they use a lot of sentences and don’t pause to ascertain how their message is landing with their audience. In a meeting I observed Julie speaking for...


Why metacommunication is important When you approach another person for a conversation or a request it is important that you prepare your listener to receive your message.  Metacommunication is the words you use to warm up your listener to the thing you want to...